(1) 地緣政治下的跨媒介研究:目前進行中的專書 Speculative Statecraft: Logistical Media and the Culture of Chinese Cold War 聚焦於中港臺三地在冷戰軍事動員及後備體系下,影音媒介與物質環境間的感官連結。我將「物流/後勤」這一概念做歷史與美學的脈絡化,從軍事、農業、運輸、建築等面向探討政治宣傳媒介(電影、攝影、報刊圖像等)如何形塑閱聽者對於速度、連結、循環、網絡的想像。
(2) 環境、建築與基礎設施的「文化-技術」研究:過往幾年我進行了一系列關於都市建築與基礎設施的的研究書寫。已發表或進行中之計畫包括:台北殖民時期陶瓷建材與建築官僚的色彩論述 ; 戰後台灣文學對美援基礎設施之再現;東亞現代主義建築與政治宣傳敘事。這些計畫都指向環境、敘事、技術三者間的關係,也延續我對於「基礎設施的政治與詩學」 (the politics and aesthetics of infrastructure)的關注。
Lawrence Zi-Qiao Yang is an Assistant Professor in the Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University. Previously a Hou Research Fellow at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University, Yang received his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley with Designated Emphases in Film & Media Studies and Critical Theory. His research focuses on propaganda media industries and aesthetics in modern and contemporary China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. His broader research interests cover war and militarism in cultural representations, theories of materialism, and the intersecting industrial-technological histories of cinema, architecture, and urban infrastructure. At NYCU, he is developing a new project on China’s Belt and Road Initiative propaganda and its influences on the film/media production of South East Asia after the 2010s. Yang’s research has been sponsored by the Fulbright Program, Mellon Foundation, and the Program in Critical Theory at UC Berkeley. He was the editor of Room One Thousand, an interdisciplinary architectural journal of Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design, and served as the Director of North American Taiwan Studies Association. He has published research articles on Symploke, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, and Chung Wai Literary Quarterly, and is currently completing a book manuscript titled “Speculative Statecraft: Logistical Media and the Culture of Chinese Cold War”.