Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology, Duke University
cultural anthropology theory, democratic and social movements, national identity, community, and urban culture
“Much Ado about Nothing: Alley Life, Dwelling Ethics, and Environmentalism of Life in Taiwan “ Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 24 (2): 269-283.
〈「老鷹回來了」: 從新竹科學城到有機共和國 〉《考古人類學刊》95: 43-86。
“Democracy under Siege: Xiangmin Politics in Sunflower Taiwan.” boundary 2: an international journal of literature and culture 45 (3): 61-78
から騒ぎ―台湾における路地裏生活、住まう倫理、暮らしの環境主義 . JunCture 超域的日本文化研究, 第8期: 96-111.
莊雅仲、陳淑容。〈中型城市發展與城鄉新連結〉, 《文化研究》第22期, 頁123-146。
Ya-Chung Chuang, Arif Dirlik and Ping-hui Liao edited. Taiwan: The Land Colonialisms Made. boundary 2: an international journal of Literature and culture 45 (3) (Special Issue)
Democracy on Trial: Social Movements and Cultural Politics in Postauthoritarian Taiwan. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press
〈新疆界: 科學城的誕生與重組〉,收於黃應貴、林開世編,《政治的消融與萌生: 新自由主義國家的治理效應》,頁 191-235,台北:群學出版社。
〈厝邊隔壁、巷弄生活與住居倫理〉,收於黃應貴、陳文德編,《21世紀的地方社會: 多重地方認同下的社群性與社會想像》,頁101-130,台北:群學出版社。
“The Care of Place: Contesting New Urbanism in Postauthoritarian Taiwan,”in Kyonosuke Hirai ed. Social Movements and the Production of Knowledge: Body, Practice, and Society in East Asia, pp. 63-78. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology