【2021陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所「閱讀當代中國 」課程線上演講】
| 從亞洲到非洲:從亞際書院到萬隆書院(From Asia to Africa, from Inter-Asia School to Bandung School)。 |
請點選線上會議連結為加入 Zoom 會議
會議 ID:260 178 3670
| 時間:6/11(五)上午10:00-12:00
| 講者: 陳光興教授 (新竹亞太/文化研究中心,人間思想與Inrter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements主編)。
陳光興老師結合了想法接近的批判圈友人,自2010年啟動西天中土計畫、2012年創設亞際書院,2015年開始推動萬隆書院在各地的成立,這十年來一直努力耕耘於華人、亞洲思想知識界與更廣大的非洲、拉美、歐美世界的鏈接與合作。這場講座會是一次個人經驗的初步總結、分析與反思,以金磚五國的浮現、「中國崛起」、中美貿易戰、美元的沒落、沒完沒了的疫情對思想運動的影響為背景,分析華人、亞際知識社群如何在與世界的互動當中,認識位於亞洲的當代中國大陸、港澳台新馬的全球意義、理解其內部矛盾,並且試圖開提出一條相互關照、互助互持的知識道路,一方面承繼1955年以降的萬隆精神,另一方面在歐美現代性經過第三世界地區自我殖民化 (表現在民族國家形式的無意識選擇)全面籠罩下,可以推動知識思想與政治上瓦解殖民大地的初步方向。
In the past decade or so, on the basis of the Inter-Asia networks, Kuan-Hsing Chen and other likeminded friends from the critical circles, on the basis of have initiated projects, starting with West Heaven: India-China Dialogues (2010-)and Inter-Asia School (2012), and then initiating the on-going locally grounded Bandung Schools in different parts of the world. The effort has been to link and cooperate with intellectual circles in the Chinese speaking world, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Euro-America. This seminar is a preliminary personal reflections, analysis and critiques, in the context of the emerging of BRICKS, "Rise of China", the falling U.S. currencies, and the seemingly never ending Covid-19 global crisis, and these impacts on the intellectual movement. Analyzing how the inter-Chinese and Inter-Asia in the interactions with world, to situate the locations of mainland China, Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and beyond, the global implications and contradictions. An attempt is made to propose a line of thought for inter-referencing and mutual supports, inheriting the spirits out of the 1955 Bandung Conference, critiquing the overwhelming-embracing conditions of Euro-America modernity and self-colonization via the adoption of the nation-state form in the Third World spaces. It ends with initial thoughts on the intellectual-political directions for dismantling the colonized earth.