

課程 | 9/14-1/4(三)網絡政治:個人、群體與衝突

【111本所新聘專任教師葉蔭聰課程 2022 Fall Semester Course Taught by the New Faculty Prof. Ip Iam-chong


Cyber-politics: Individuals, Communities, and Contestations

Time 時間:Every Wednesday from 9/14 to 1/4 (18:30-21:20)
Venue 地點:106A, HA Building 2, Guangfu Campus, NYCU 陽明交大光復校區106教室
Online meeting link for the first class 首週課程的線上會議連結: https://nycu.webex.com/nycu-en/j.php...
*English-medium course 英文授課
**The first class will go online. Please note that the venue is subject to change and follow our updates. 首週課程為線上課,關於上課地點的安排,將因應情況變動,請繼續留意本粉專的消息。


This course connects the analysis of the technical features and design of digital and information-communication technologies (ICTs) to selfhood, social norms, meanings, and contestations. It encourages students to 1) look critically at our relations to existing technologies and 2) imagine creatively how they could be different. We read recent texts in new media studies with reference to the cultural forms and workings of ICTs such as search engines, tags, like buttons, filters, and algorithm, etc. We examine such technologies in the contexts of everyday life, work, consumption, participation, affect, and identity.
本課程把數碼及資訊傳播科技的技術及設計與自我構成、社會規範、意義及衝突連結起來,並鼓勵學生(1)批判地看待我們與科技的關係;(2) 創造性地想象如何扭轉這些關係。我們會閱讀新媒體研究的重要文本,聚焦在資訊傳播科技的文化形成及運作,包括搜尋器、標籤、點「讚」、過濾器、演算法等等,並放在日常生活、工作、消費、參與、情感與身份認同作考察。


-Enabling students to produce informed and theoretical accounts of the technical workings and the  logics of ICTs in the everyday life;
-Strengthening students’ ability to analyze how digital communication technologies relate to the cultural context;
-Offering analytical tools for students to explain the ethical and political aspects of digital communication technologies and to make a new sense of the meanings of being “netizens”;
-Inspiring students to critically examine the creative design of ICTs and the deviant practices of use.


Weekly Topics/每週課題
Week 1(9/14) A History of the Internet
Week 2(9/21) The Countercultural Origin of the Internet
Week 3(9/28) Self and the Net: Multiple Subjectivity
Week 4(10/5) Self and the Net: The Presentation of Self
Week 5(10/12) Online Public Sphere I: Deliberation, Carnival, and the Web
Week 6(10/19) Online Public Sphere II: Social Media and the Social
Week 7(10/26) Surveillance, Data, and Biopower
Week 8(11/2) Digital Privacy and Subjectivity
Week 9(11/9) The Internet and National Identities
Week 10(11/16) Online Nationalism and Subculture
Week 11(11/23) AI and Gender
Week 12(11/30) Cyberculture and Game
Week 13(12/14) Hate Speech and the Internet
Week 14(12/21) Online Misogyny
Week 15(12/28) Cyber-Activism I: Political changes or “Click First!”?
Week 16(1/4) Cyber-Activism II: The Case of Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Protests (2019)