

演講 | 3/12(四)蔣濶宇〈東亞脈絡下的臺灣工運:殖民地、總罷工與當代史〉

2025 Academic Lecture Series: Mapping the Multi-faceted "Territories" of East Asia
  「領土」不僅是帝國支配與國家治理的物理邊界,也是特定群體的認同所依附的時空想像。一塊土地上,探測、劃界、定居、生產等活動交織出一套知識、技術、思維的體系,塑造政治與社會秩序,也深刻影響著人們對「領土」的理解。從土地到領土,本系列演講關注這套體系的作用力與反作用力,透過帝國的殖民知識生產、社會治理的技術與制度、地緣政治與國土安全、民眾的連帶與反叛等視角,重新審視東亞的區域秩序更迭下「領土」概念的內涵轉變。  本系列演講邀請來自史學、社會思想、科學史、環境人類學、歷史社會學等多元領域的學者,從總罷工與自主工運、反越戰運動、曆法的政治、「近代的超克」、礦毒公害、福島與東北地方的傷痕等議題出發,勾勒出台灣、日本、沖繩、朝鮮半島間交錯震盪的歷史軌跡,嘗試開啟探問「領土」的新視野。

  "Territory" extends beyond the physical boundaries of imperial rule and state governance; it is also a spatial-temporal construct that underpins the identity of specific communities. Activities on a given land—such as exploration, demarcation, settlement, and production—interweave to form systems of knowledge, technology, and thought. They shape socio-political order while profoundly influencing people's perceptions of "territory."
  This lecture series examines the forces and counterforces within these systems, tracing how the concept of "territory" has transformed in response to shifting regional orders. Through perspectives on colonial knowledge production of the Japanese Empire, technologies and institutions of social governance, geopolitics and national security, as well as grassroots solidarity and resistance, we seek to critically reassess the multi-faceted "territories" of East Asia.
  We have invited scholars from diverse fields, including history, social thought, history of science, environmental anthropology, and historical sociology. Their discussions will engage with the following topics: general strikes and autonomous labor movements, anti-Vietnam War movement, politics of calendars, the intellectual discourse of 'Overcoming Modernity,' Ashio Copper Mine pollution, and scars of Fukushima and the Tōhoku region. Through these inquiries, we aim to outline the interwoven historical trajectories of Taiwan, Japan, Okinawa, and the Korean Peninsula, offering new insights on contemporary understandings of "territory."

*This lecture series is part of the academic exchange event under the research project "Rice Crisis and the Question of Fascism."
**The series is conducted in two phases, with the second phase taking place in the latter half of 2025. 
Further information will be announced in September.
1. 東亞脈絡下的臺灣工運:殖民地、總罷工與當代史
主持人、與談人:詹亞訓(國立陽明交通大學社文所 助理教授
工人唯有團結才有出路,然而工會團結艱鉅。百年以來,臺灣工人的團結型態如何形塑反殖民、爭民主的軌跡?本次對談連結思想史和工運史,以此拓展當代人文研究對臺灣工運的理解。總罷工思潮曾經遍歷倫敦、維也納、舊金山和橫濱,而在高雄及桃竹苗地區與臺灣工運史交錯。循著Arnold Roller、幸德秋水和連溫卿的視野,我們循著由歐美引介至東亞的「直接行動思潮」與臺灣文化協會的反殖民運動、「全島總罷工」的連結,並由戰後桃竹苗兄弟工會的同情罷工,回溯當代工人抗爭的水脈。我們期待區域視野和在地觀點的疊合、思想論述和草根故事的對照,帶來重新探問臺灣工運的歷史與當代意義,以及通往未來的可能性。