

論文口試 | 12/18(三)Lungani Nelson Hlongwa ”China’s Digital Silk Road Initiative and the making of a new nomos of the Earth: The case of Hikvision in Johannesburg”

Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies

Thesis Oral Examination Notification

Date and Time:  18, December 2024 5:00 pm

Student:  Lungani Nelson Hlongwa

Thesis Topic:China’s Digital Silk Road Initiative and the making of a new nomos of the Earth: The case of Hikvision in Johannesburg


Advisor:Joyce C.H.Liu (Professor, NYCU),Prof. Brett Neilson (Professor at the Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University)


Yuan-Horng Chu (Professor Emeritus of the Institute of Social and Cultural Studies, NYCU, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University) -Convener 召集人

Prof. Obert Hodzi (Lecturer at the Department of Politics, University of Liverpool)

Prof. Francois Vreÿ (Professor Emeritus at the faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University)

Prof. Padraig Carmody (Professor in Geography at Trinity College, the University of Dublin)


Welcome the attendance of those who are interested.