【註冊組重要通知】研究生學位考試之學術倫理相關注意事項 [Important Notice] Matters Relating to Academic Ethics for the Degree Examination of Graduate Students
一、 本校「著作彙編之學位論文應行注意事項」修正案業經113年1月4日112學年度第2次教務會議審議通過,審議通過後於112學年度第2學期上課開始日(113年2月19日)起實施,圖書館論文上傳系統同步於113年2月19日依新規定進行改版,如研究生於113年2月19日以後上傳學位論文及相關表件者,請依新規定辦理。
二、 研究生畢業離校前所需繳交及上傳的文件,新舊規定對照如下表所示:
- 論文全文檔案(含摘要)。
- 學位論文原創性比對報告。
- 學位論文學術倫理暨原創性比對聲明書。
- 學位論文審定同意書。
- 學位論文發表形式確認書。
- 著作彙編之學位論文資訊及彙編學術著作之共同作者貢獻聲明書(採著作彙編之學位論文才需上傳此份文件)。
- 論文全文檔案(含摘要、著作彙編之學位論文資訊及彙編學術著作之共同作者貢獻聲明書)。
- 學位論文原創性比對報告。
- 學位論文學術倫理暨原創性比對聲明書。
- 學位論文學術倫理暨原創性比對聲明書。
- 著作彙編之學位論文資訊及彙編學術著作之共同作者貢獻聲明書。
- 著作彙編之學位論文採認同意書(採著作彙編之學位論文才需繳交此份文件)。
- 依教學單位規定所需繳交紙本文件。
- 學位考試成績資料表正本。
- 學位論文紙本。
- 學位考試成績資料表正本。
- 學位論文紙本。
- 學位論文發表形式確認書。
- 著作彙編之學位論文資訊及彙編學術著作之共同作者貢獻聲明書(採著作彙編之學位論文才需納入學位論文)。
- 著作彙編之學位論文採認同意書(採著作彙編之學位論文才需繳交此份文件)。
- 著作彙編之學位論文資訊及彙編學術著作之共同作者貢獻聲明書。
三、 聯絡資訊:
Dear faculty, staff, and students,
1. The amendment to "Rules for Thesis by Publication" of the University has been approved at the 2nd Academic Affairs Meeting of the 2023 academic year on January 4, 2024. The implementation of the revised rules began on the first day of classes in the 2024 spring semester (February 19, 2024). The library's thesis submission system was concurrently updated on February 19, 2024, to align with the new regulations. For graduate students who upload their theses and related documents on or after February 19, 2024, please follow the new regulations.
2. The comparison between the new and old regulations regarding the documents required for graduate students before leaving the school:
New Regulations
Old Regulations
Documents for Library Thesis Upload System:
1. Full-text document of the thesis (including abstract).
2. Academic originality comparison report for the thesis.
3. Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison.
4. Thesis approval form.
5. National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Thesis Format Form.
6. National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Information and Co-author Contribution Statement of Thesis by Publication(only required for the thesis by publication).
1. Full-text document of the thesis (including abstract and Information and Co-author Contribution Statement of Thesis by Publication).
2. Academic originality comparison report for the thesis.
3. Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison.
Submission of Hardcopy Documents to Academic Units:
As required by the academic unit.
1. Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison.
2. Information and Co-author Contribution Statement of Thesis by Publication.
3. Consent of Acceptance of a Thesis by Publication.(Only required for the thesis by publication).
4. Hardcopy document as required by the academic unit.
Submission of Hardcopy Documents to Division of Registration:
1. Original copy of the Degree Examination Grade Sheet.
2. Printed copy of the thesis.
1. Original copy of the Degree Examination Grade Sheet.
2. Printed copy of the thesis.
What should be included in the thesis according to Rules for Thesis by Publication:
1. Thesis Format Form.
2. Information and Co-author Contribution Statement of Thesis by Publication(Only required to be included in the thesis for the thesis by publication).
1. Consent of Acceptance of a Thesis by Publication(Only required for the thesis by publication).
2. Information and Co-author Contribution Statement of Thesis by Publication.
3. Contact information:
※Questions related to graduation and leaving:
Yangming campus:(02)2825-0296 registration@nycu.edu.tw
Guangfu Campus (03)571-2121#31999 registra@nycu.edu.tw
※Questions related to academic ethics of thesis: (03)571-2121#52520 oaeri@nycu.edu.tw
※Questions related to thesis upload: (03)571-2121#52636 thesis@lib.nycu.edu.tw